SR&ED Bank

SR&ED Bank – your SR&ED refund now!

The SR&ED program is the largest and most important tax incentive program in Canada, available to all incorporated companies.

SR&ED Bank is available to lend funds to qualifying corporate clients that have or will have an SR&ED claim in progress. This service is available to Bond Consulting Group clients.

  • SR&ED Bank may lend up to 60% of an SR&ED refund.
  • Candidates should have a track record with the SR&ED Tax Credit program, or a strong case under the program requirements.
  • There is no due diligence cost, because we provide that service when we analyze your SR&ED case. SR&ED Bank loan rates are as low as 12% or 1% per month, for qualified applicants.

Contact Bond today to see if you qualify for an SR&ED Bank loan.