About the SR&ED Tax Credit Program

SR&ED (Scientific Research & Experimental Development) is the name of the largest and most important corporate tax incentive program in Canada. The Government of Canada, through the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), provides tax credits and cash refunds to encourage Canadian companies of all sizes to seek advancement in knowledge in a field of science, medicine, or technology.

SR&ED Eligibility

There are four main fields of science and technology eligible for SR&ED tax credit benefits in Canada:

  • Natural & Formal Sciences
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Medical & Health Sciences
  • Agricultural Sciences

The SR&ED credit program will return up to 68% of the value of incurred expenditures to all corporations in these fields that have attempted to overcome or solve a scientific or medical uncertainty, or alternatively a technological obstacle.

$100 Million

Since 2005, over $100 Million in SR&ED Refunds approved for Bond Clients

Bond Consulting puts you on the right path to understanding Canada’s most generous but most complicated corporate tax credit program. With our talented SR&ED Consultants on staff, superior in-house expertise, government audit experience, and sophisticated evidence tools, you can’t go wrong.

Our Sectors

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SR&ED PROOF – the most sophisticated SR&ED Evidence Management System

You may be entitled to a sizable refund but…CRA will approve or deny your claim based on your available documentation and evidence.

We designed SR&ED Proof to ensure that our clients are collecting documentation in a format that is preferred by CRA, ie. the scientific method.

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  • SR&ED Proof is an intuitive online tool.
  • It was designed by SR&ED Whisperer, Julie Bond, an expert with almost two decades of direct technical and financial audit experience.
  • SR&ED Proof allows you to understand and answer the policy questions related to your own case!
  • With SR&ED Proof you can correspond directly with a talented SR&ED Analyst through the chat features.
  • SR&ED Proof allows you to successfully defend and win any SR&ED case selected for audit by CRA.
  • It’s FREE for clients of Bond Consulting.

SR&ED Client Testimonials

We Have Fans!

We've been working with Bond Consulting for almost 20 years now. Every claim we've submitted has been either accepted as filed or accepted under audit. In the years we needed to meet with CRA, Bond was right there with us, to make sure we were prepared, understood the program, and all of our evidence was well organized. In addition, Bond provides us with a tool called SR&ED Proof, which allows us to keep track of our projects throughout the year. Overall, our relationship with Bond has been great. We highly recommend this SR&ED firm.
Seth Copley
Managing Director, Leysons
Our experience with Bond Consulting was fantastic. We had heard of SR&ED before, but the task of understanding the program seemed intimating until we met with them.  They made it easy for us to understand and relate to the program. And even though our transaction was small, Bond provided us with a substantial strategic review.  The review allowed us to maximize our results with the program. We highly recommend Bond, for any business, large or small.  Julie and her team of skilled analysts were professional. Their diligence to our case was evident. They responded to our questions in a timely manner. We are profoundly grateful for the awareness we attained over the past couple of years through Bond. Consistent and top tier; we highly recommend their services.
Vincent Sowa
The Meadmaker, Backed By Bees
As a startup in its early stages, Future Fertility has found that working with Bond Consulting Group has been extremely helpful as we grow. Since the SR&ED program is essential to the growth of our business, it was important that we sought out a consulting firm that could understand our company’s mission and help us prepare a claim that would be approved. They were highly professional and knowledgeable, and they were able to navigate us successfully through our Audit. We’d definitely recommend them.
Diana Olusanmi, CEO
Future Fertility

After my subcontractor and another SR&ED consultant told JRFC we wouldn’t find success with the SR&ED program we met Bond at an event. They met with our subcontractor and found the eligible aspects of our work. When CRA SR&ED auditor wanted to meet, Bond accompanied us to the meeting. Our claim was accepted as filed, and we are looking forward to reinvesting the money.

Julia Rosen
President, Furniture Consulting Inc.

Bond's expertise really became evident when they helped us maximize our SR&ED Credits claim through their proven strategy and knowledge of our industry. Bond was able to help us recoup valuable money that we are planning to reinvest in our company and product.

Kevin Snow
Co-Founder, Snowman Brewing Co.

We’ve been using Bond Consulting for 10 years now. We did not know about the SR&ED program before meeting Julie, but now we make claims every year, and this has made a great impact on our business. Bond Consulting analysts are talented, reliable, and professional, and they never steer us wrong.

Vince Morris
President, Valley Med, Medical Devices & Lights

What I love about Bond, they never gave up on our case! When the Goliath CRA decided to deny part of our claim, Julie took our case all the way to the Tax Court of Canada, and we finally won! CRA admitted defeat when they saw the evidence presented by Bond. Bond Consulting Group are SR&ED experts, and they really care about their clients.

Mrs. Laffoux
Owner, Tango Head, State of the Art 3D cameras

Hiring Bond Consulting Group was a great choice for us. We had a small claim and we were not sure if we could get professional service with this complicated program. The Bond team is always taking care of us, whether it’s time for claim preparation, or routine defense with CRA, or other business advice.

Arash Sabet
Umplify Technologies, Software Developers

Bond certainly takes care of us, and we are very pleased with the services. Our claims are always well prepared, accurate, and on-time. Everything that Bond has prepared has been accepted as filed, which means we can concentrate on our business instead of CRA audits.

Andrew Turner
Audability, Communication Technologies

Julie and her team know the program like the back of their hands, and Julie is a veritable SR&ED guru. Our claim before Bond got denied and our consultant did not do much while we were left with having to do almost all the work. Bond was a refreshing change as their team of analysts jump in and do the heavy lifting.

Raffi Oshagan
President, Garo Consulting, Software Developers

Bond Consulting Group has been our trusted SR&ED partner for years. The team at Bond is always there for us. When CRA returned with the most ridiculous arguments against our claim, Bond never gave up on us. Julie and her team of talented analysts are experienced professionals that help us navigate this complicated program.

Dr. Eldon Dahl
Life Choice, Natural Health Production

We made the mistake of leaving Bond once many years ago, thinking that we could save a bit of money. Our SR&ED claim was denied in full, it was an awful experience. When it comes to dealing with CRA, Julie and her analysts never let us down, we know they’re experts and will fight to the end for us.

Glen McCarthy
Labworks, Industrial Refrigeration Specialists

The vast majority of what we submitted was accepted as filed, but when CRA challenged our claim, Bond Consulting stepped up to the plate. Julie and her team are relentless. Julie certainly knows how to navigate the complex bureaucracy behind the SR&ED Tax Credit program, and showed no fear when it came to escalating our case.

Dave Cloutier
President, Kelvin Technologies, Electrical Devices
Bond rescued our claim! Our claim was prepared by another SR&ED Consultant and was about to be denied.  After reviewing our case for just 20 minutes, Julie immediately realized that no one had properly identified a technological advancement for the SR&ED Eligibility, and therefore our entire claim write-up was worthless. The Bond analysts are top-notch and moved in to re-write our claim from scratch.
Denise Nunes
Product Manager, CellAegis Devices, Medical Devices
We hired Bond because we were not satisfied with our previous consultant.  We were not convinced that they knew what they were doing in the audit, and it certainly felt like we were doing most of the work. We’ve been very pleased with Bond Consulting Group. These people are true SR&ED Tax Credit experts.
Leonard Drimmer
CEO, Property Vista, Property Management Software
We’ve been working with Bond Consulting Group for almost 10 years now. Almost everything we’ve ever submitted has been accepted as filed, which is a great relief for us. The year that CRA SR&ED Auditor did visit us, Bond was right there with us, to make sure we understood eligibility, and how to respond to CRAs questions
Alijca Wojewnik
President, Dicentra, Natural Health Product Industry

Start your SR&ED Journey with Bond

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